ProjectWise Explorer Help

Registry Strings for Enabling Simple or Automatic Check-in from Office Applications

You can enable simple or automatic check-in of documents in each integrated Office application as necessary, by configuring certain strings in the registry for each application. Simple check-in replaces the standard ProjectWise Check In dialog (that opens when you close a checked out document) with a simple Yes/No confirmation dialog that prompts you to check in the document. Automatic check-in checks in the document silently (no dialogs open) when you close the checked out document.

The SimpleDialog and ShowConfirmation registry strings control the document check-in behavior in integrated Microsoft Office applications.

  • Set both SimpleDialog and ShowConfirmation to True to enable simple check-in. When simple check-in is enabled and you close a checked out document, the standard ProjectWise Check In dialog is replaced with a simple confirmation dialog that prompts you, "Check in closed document?". You can then click Yes or No.
  • Set SimpleDialog to True and set ShowConfirmation to False to enable automatic check-in. When automatic check-in is enabled and you close a checked out document, the document is automatically checked in without any prompting.
The following table shows where these strings need to be added in the registry for each application.
Application Registry Key
Microsoft Word HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Word\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
Microsoft Excel HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Excel\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
Microsoft Outlook HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Outlook\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
Microsoft PowerPoint HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS PPoint\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
Microsoft Project HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Project\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
Microsoft Visio HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Visio\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn

Example: Enable simple check-in for Microsoft Word

  1. Open your Windows Registry Editor.
  2. Create the following the registry key:
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Word\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
  3. Under that, create a string called SimpleDialog, and set the value to True.
  4. In the same location, create a string called ShowConfirmation, and set the value to True.
  5. Close the Registry Editor.

Example: Enable automatic check-in for Microsoft Word

  1. Open your Windows Registry Editor.
  2. Create the following the registry key:
    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PW MS Word\ODMA64\Dialogs\CheckIn
  3. Under that, create a string called SimpleDialog, and set the value to True.
  4. In the same location, create a string called ShowConfirmation, and set the value to False.
  5. Close the Registry Editor.